J&C Studios O Gauge Archive

O Gauge / O Scale Forums and Individual Blogs
for Model Railroading

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J&C Studios O Gauge Archive

O Gauge / O Scale Forums and Individual Blogs for Model Railroading

What is the J&C Studios O Gauge Archive?
(Guest)   JCS Archive   jdcrawler   Barber shop
Barber shop
Joined: Apr 4, 2011
Topics: 46 Replies: 65 Topics: 46
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posted Mar 3, 2013: 

This is a combination of house with a barber shop added to the front.
Here is the base with the front and rear wall of the house glued in place.

All the sidewalls are in place.

Constructing the roof for the house.

Making up the front porch for the house.

Here is the finished front porch.

A copied a photo of a 40's barber shop interior is put inside the barber shop.

I found a printable color strip for the barber pole and wrapped it around a piece of plastic tube.

The caps for the end of the barber pole are made out of wood and are turned down on the lathe.

A hole is drilled in the side of each end cap and a small dowel is glued into place.
Here is one of the end caps in prime.

This is the finished barber pole mounted on the front of the barber shop.

Here is the finished barber shop and house.


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