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Scenery Sourcelist
Joined: Nov 1, 2008
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posted Nov 15, 2010: 

Scenery Sourcelist September 29, 2010

Below is an updated list of useful sources for all you scratch-builders, scenery advocates, and is primarily targeted at O gauge users. Some websites may be listed in 2 or more appropriate places. Please e-mail me at dgauss@comcast.net so I can add your input and "keep it in one place" for reference.


How-to Clinics

www.token3rail.blogspot.com This site was established by a few Forumites to preserve some of the excellent "how-to" Projects which we hope will encourage you to try projects you can use on your layout.
www.thistothat.com Reference for bonding and glues
www.pacificcoastairlinerr.com A series of clinics showing finishing techniques to make styrene to look like wood, paper "rust" bands for barrels and tanks,etc. A great site!
www.rbadesign.net/TERRAPIN/Modeling_Tips.htm 2X click on the "how-to clinic" you want.
www.info-central.org/construction_moldmaking.shtml Making molds of parts, etc
http://members.westnet.com.au/...ml/mould_making.html More on mold making
www.alumilite.com Alumilite casting tutorial
www.smooth-on.com Liquid rubber for mold making
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/treemaking/ Tree Making tutorial
www.rpg.kamloopian.com/articles/trees4_filter.html Making conifer & pine trees tutorial using furnace filter materials.
www.all-model-railroading.co.uk/amr/index.htm Great links to useful modeling info
www.dpmkits.com Building kits and components. Also a good clinic on "weathering" buildings
www.home.earthlink.net/~csxal/ CSX Al' website with several "how-to" articles. Beautiful Trees for sale.
www.railroad-line.com A useful site for many techniques used in scenery. Lots of advertising signage, etc.
www.sierrawestscalemodels.com Logging details, how-to's, Craftsman kits
www.northbendeng.com Clinic on use of "washes", etc.
www.lauriegreen.info Lots of tips and "how-to's" from Australia in O gauge. Mr. Green is a Master Modeler.
www.009.cd2.com Interesting and useful site with links from UK and a bit of English humor. Thanks, Charlie
www.rustystumps.com/HowToArticles.asp good how-to on weathering stripwood in addition to selling of many useful details.
www.horailroad.com/clinic2/cl2_017.htm Step-by-step tutorial on building structures using Foamcore
www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1D4KBB_GC4 Excellent tutorial using foam to replicate rock formations.
www.miniart-models.com Mostly 1/35 military, but a good "how-to" clinic on painting structures, inc dry-brushing and "salt" method of adding texture.
www.thomasayorke.com Tutorials on painting and weathering from this artist. Look under "freebies"

Scratch Building Supplies

www.cccrow.com Hydrocal parts, Also owners of Builders-in-Scale
www.choochenterprises.com Ultra-scale line are hi-end, unique buildings. Several other detail items.
www.dslshops.com Unique facades of O & S scale buildings.
www.ksmetals.com A variety of brass and aluminum shapes of tubing, rod, flat, and etched items for scratchbuilding, etc.
www.midwestproducts.com Source of micro-dimensional lumber and building kits
www.Kapplerusa.com Micro lumber products
www.Plastruct.com Styrene sheets & shapes. Plastic kits.
www.appliedimaginationinc.com a variety of embossed and flat Styrene products, Click on Precision Products link.
www.evergreenscalemodels.com Styrene shapes and stock
www.mtalbert.com Micro lumber and Hi-end building kits
www.northeasternscalelumber.com Scale lumber and details
www.hobbycast.net Various products for DIY casting.
www.thenarch.com walls, sheet goods for O as well as other scales.
www.hon3.com Stevens Creek Models sells a variety of window glazing products for scale building windows, as well as some hi-end buildings (limited selection in O scale).
www.osorail.com real cedar shingles, cast details, Evergreen Hill Models.
www.soddersenterprises.com nice detail parts, corrugated aluminum, fire escapes, chain binders, etc

Kit Suppliers

www.valleymodeltrains.com A favorite site and great collective source for other manufacturers products
www.mesamodels.net Represent several manufacturers of kits and detail products.
www.discounttrainsonline.com Supplier of several mfgrs and detail parts.
www.rslaserkits.com Laser kits in wood. Fairly priced and willing to possibly add larger, more complex kits, if market exists.Norhteastern Lumber dealer and can order special sizes.
www.justrains.com New owners of Korber kits, supplier of locos , rolling stock, etc
www.amhobbiesonline.com Supplies of structures, detailed parts, locos and rolling stock.
www.e-model-railroading.com Supplies of some Thomas Yorke models, also, Paper Creek, DD, etc.
www.woodlandscenics.com In addition to foilage, ground foam, etc, WS is offering the DPM line of walls and buildings.

Craftsman Kits

www.modeltechstudios.com Hi-end building kits, and detail products
www.cedarhilldesigns.com hi-end, limited edition, & beautiful building kits. Also offers completed buildings as his "Timeless structures" line. Beautiful!
www.downtowndeco.com Limited edition Hydrocal building kits
www.dpmkits.com Building kits and components. Also a good clinic on "weathering" buildings
www.scaleuniversity.com Craftsman-type buildings (kits and finished units), detailed items.
www.barmillsmodels.com Laser-cut signage, building kits, detail and weathering powders.
www.roscoesmodelstructures.com New Hydrocal building kit supplier and details.
www.twinwhistle.com A variety of unique quality buildings and detail castings.
www.btsrr.com Hi-end craftsman building kits
www.laserkit.com American Model Builders kits and details
www.rustystumps.com Building kits and details
www.pinecanyonscalemodels.com Gas Station kits and detail castings
www.builders-in-scale.com Hi-end buildings, now owned by C.C.Crow
www.crowriverproducts.com Hi-end kits(nautical themes)
www.bantamodelworks.com Several different skill level building kits
www.mulletrivermodelworks.com Detailed wooden caboose and freight car and hi-end building kits
www.westernscalemodels.com Western-themed hi-end models and interior
www.turnermodelworks.com 'Milepost' detailed parts and building kits, detailed building backgrounds.
www.westportmodelworks.com Hi-end building kits, walls, and details, detailed building backdrops.
www.brennansmodelrr.com Different types of ballast, Hydrocal building kits, weathering items.
www.ogaugerr.com EZ to build Ameritowne buildings and detail parts. Also tools
www.valleymodeltrains.com A favorite site and great collective source for other manufacturers products
www.mtalbert.com Micro lumber and Hi-end, limited issue building kits
www.osorail.com Evergreen hill models, Northwest Short Line, details, cedar shingles
www.wildwestmodels.com Western-themed wooden kits for many gauges
www.sierrawestscalemodels.com Logging details, how-to's, Craftsman kits
www.creativelaserdesign.com Nicely designed assorted kits for several gauges, inc O scale.
www.gclaser.com laser-cut products inc, beautiful tower, trellis, benches,etc
www.osbornmodelkits.com Model boats, RR signage, whistle monuments, etc.
www.schombergscalemodels.com Kits and details in Hydrocal and resin. www.modelrailscenes.com Trackside buildings, houses, ballast, "how-to" DVDs.
K&P Brick and Building - Coal mining kits, gantry crane, coal elevator, contact: (717) 747-0493

Scenery Products

www.ScenicExpress.com Almost everything you would need for doing scenery, figures, etc! A OGRR Forum supporter.
www.woodlandscenics.com Scenic materials, hydrocal, plaster cloth, etc.
www.bragdonent.com Bragdon Foam Scenery System Scenery products, weathering powders, etc
www.brennansmodelrr.com Different types of ballast, hydrocal building kits, weathering items
www.huntersceneryco.com Ballast products, individual bricks for building.
www.barmillsmodels.com Laser-cut signage, building kits, detail and weathering powders
www.micromark.com Small, useful tool source, some scenic and detail items
www.railpress.com Barrels, bales, bags for industries, farms, stores
www.home.earthlink.net/~csxal/ CSX Al' website with several "how-to" articles. Beautiful Trees for sale. Now offering Turntable Drive upgrade kits.
www.sweetwaterscenery.com Very nice trees and "how-to" site
www.grandcentralgems.com Trees, trestle bents, etc.
www.oldcedarstudios.com Handmade trees to order by Eric, a forum member.
www.modelrectifier.com O gauge trees in 3 series of quality. Also sell transformers.
www.tscustomtrees.com Supplier of custom trees and scenery in several gauges.Very nice product at a fair price for hand made work. Outstanding bark texture. Also offering Arttista figures, scenic adhsive, ground foams, etc.
www.truescene.com A modeling material that adds texture to scenery.
www.timberlinescenery.com trees, ground cover, etc.
www.stmrr.com variety of hand-made trees.
www.sterlingmodels.com Source for handmade trees rock castings used by Forumite Don Klose
www.canyoncreekscenics.com Well-made, hi-quality conifer and pine trees.
www.petitepinesnorthern.com Quality-made trees inc. deciduous varieties. DIY kits also available.
www.unrealdetails.com Very realistic water modeling system. EZ to use with great results.
Joined: Nov 1, 2008
Topics: 1 Replies: 4 Topics: 1
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posted Nov 22, 2010: 

Detail Parts

www.soddersenterprises.com nice detail parts, corrugated aluminum, fire escapes, chain binders, etc
www.bowser-trains.com Figures, Selley cast details, turntables and power trucks
www.westportmodelworks.com Hi-end building kits, walls, and details
www.scmodelworks.com Variety of freight car loads. Nice coal loader & unloader. Hydrocal kits
www.trainloads.com Handmade loads and details for rail cars. Also a line of Hydrocal buildings.
www.realcustomrailroads.com Buildings, interiors, vignettes.
www.Grandtline.com Source of windows, doors architectural detail parts, Figures, etc
www.tichytraingroup.com Building details, windows, doors, etc.
www.qcarcompany.com Street details, underbody parts, truck side frames, trolley items, etc
www.berkshirevalleyinc.com A great source of detail parts, doors, windows, cast metal interior items.
www.turnermodelworks.com 'Milepost' detailed parts and building kits
www.sierrawestscalemodels.com Logging details
www.tomarindustries.com Passenger car drumheads, Adlake lantern lighting, Hayes wheel stops,etc.
www.rustystumps.com Hi-end building kits and details
www.scaleuniversity.com Craftsman-type buildings (kits and finished units),detailed items.
www.modeltechstudios.com Hi-end building kits, and detail products
www.twinwhistle.com A variety of unique quality buildings and detail castings.
www.builders-in-scale.com Hi-end buildings, now owned by C.C.Crow
www.figuresnbits.com Figures, detail items
www.valleymodeltrains.com A favorite site and great collective source for other manufacturers products
www.walthers.com A great distributor of all scales, details, some kits and build-up structures
www.rustyrail.com variety of castings, ie, nice groups inc, junk piles, work benches, shelving, crates, etc
www.kawvalleydesigns.com Laser-cut products stair configurations, architechural vents, doors, etc
www.locopainter.com Wiseman products inc. detail castings and kits of motors, cars, logging stuff. rolling stock, loads, etc.
www.pdhobbyshop.com Lots of brass & plastic parts for super-detailing. Though primarily a O scale supplier, don't miss contacting Pat for unique needs. Atlas F units are upgraded tooling from P&D.
www.jcstudiosinc.com Vending machines, gaming machines, cell towers, etc
www.schombergscalemodels.com Kits and details in Hydrocal and resin.
www.thomasayorke.com Some details for 1/48 modeling. Click on the O scale banner.
www.blairline.com Laser-cut signs, grade crossings, structures.
www.modelmemories.com O scale tell-tails, catenary poles, some brass-etched parts street details
www.sanjuancarco.com Narrow gauge kits and parts.
www.protocraft.com Parts for Proto 48 as well as, O scale.
http://psc1.virtualfocus.com Precision Scale Co. Website for Locos, kits, detailed parts for several gauges.
www.brassdetails.com Hand-crafted by Andre Garcia, Forumite, useful brass details for use on your layout.
www.specialshapes.com Brass Hex bar stock
www.wildharemodels.com Awesome, ornate brass fire escapes, etc.
www.scalemodelsdivision.web.officelive.com Laser cut pallets and other details, wood crates, etc.


www.diecastdirect.com A Large selection of diecast vehicles at many price points.
www.dominionmodels.com Hi-end diecast vehicles
www.ashevillediecast.com Diecast vehicles
www.scaleuniversity.com Craftsman-type buildings (kits and finished units), detailed items, boats, vehicles,etc
www.3000toys.com Diecast cars, trucks, construction equipment, etc.
www.g-m-e.com Grizzly Mountain Engineering Laser cut wagons, etc
www.dcmodelsonline.com Large selection of construction diecast models in several scales.
www.deerfieldriverlaser.com A variety of boats, barges, scows, etc.
www.frenchmanriver.com Nautical models and details, awning kits etc.
www.isp.ca/sylvan/product.htm boat and rolling stock models
www.osbornmodelkits.com boats, crossbucks, pallets, other details.
www.american-excellence.com Specializees in high quality 1/43 scale vehicles


www.arttista.com Many types of painted and unpainted metal figures
www.metalfigures.net Hand painted metal figures
www.scalefigures.com Unique hand made figures.
www.kramerproducts.com Figures for O gauge, sporting figures; golf, baseball, football, etc.
www.figuresnbits.com Figures, detail items
www.ScenicExpress.com Almost everything you would need for doing scenery, figures, etc!
www.woodlandscenics.com Scenic materials, Hydrocal, plaster cloth, etc.
www.Grandtline.com Source of windows, doors architectural detail parts, Figures, etc
www.cccrow.com Hydrocal parts, Also owners of Builders-in-Scale, figures
www.towncountryhobbies.com Small structures, pewter figures, signs,etc.

Furniture and interior items Some of these sources carry 1/4" scale furniture & furnishings to detail building interiors.
www.minishop.com Dollhouse building supplies, Scale dimensional lumber etc.
www.jcstudiosinc.com Vending machines, gaming machines, cell towers, etc.
www.thequartersource.com Source for 1/4" scale dollhouse furniture and related items.
www.thesimsresource.com Tools to create your graphics for buildings.

Electronic/Electrical Components

www.miniatronics.com connectors, lighting, electrical items.
www.njinternational.com crossing gates, signal systems, etc
www.microstru.com Miller Engineering,(A OGRR Forum supporter)designs and sells Animated and illuminated billboards, signs and more.
www.electricrr.com Designs and sells electronic boards for several applications inc. operating cars, command control & sound upgrades, speed control. Owner Jon is the CTO of Lionel, as well.
www.grsmicrolighting.com a variety of model lighting products for cars, trucks, and railroads.
www.ittproducts.com Offers many sound modules for added realism and fun on your layout.
www.z-stuff.net Simple to install and scale sized Trackside signals and sensors. Great products.
www.ModelTrainSoftware.com Neat E-Z to use computer programs for buildings, window treatments, pre-wired LEDs, advertising signage, window inserts and decal paper for use in your computer.
www.allelectronics.com electrical supplies, recordable sound modules, many useful items for model railroads.
www.millermodels.com Sound modules for layout
www.berkshirejunction.com Detection devices, E-Z elastic Telephone line, traffic lights, etc.
www.scottsodds-n-ends.com Electrical gadgets, wire, relays, etc.
www.customsignals.com Several styles of railroad signals
www.dallee.com sound systems, E-units, LEDs, etc.
www.mrmatix.com Supplies circuit boards to control signals, gates, etc.
www.miniature-traffic-lights.com Realistic traffic signals.
www.xoxide.com Mini flourscent lights, etc.
www.sbsignal.com a variety of RR signale, traffic signals, etc.

Other Model Services

www.ModelTrainSoftware.com Evan Designs offers E-Z to use computer programs for printing buildings, window treatments, advertising signage, and window inserts. They offer pre-wired LEDs and decal paper for use in ink-jet printers. Their Modelbuilder Software upgrade download available to install. Also a trial model building is available to download for FREE. A OGR Forum sponser.
www.worldlicenseplates.com Source of free examples of license plates.

Tools, Fasteners
www.micromark.com Small, useful tool source, some scenic and detail items
www.microfasteners.com Miniature nuts, bolts and fasteners. Great service.
www.smallparts.com Useful source of metal forms, fasteners, etc.
www.nwsl.com Tools, wheelsets, gears , etc.
www.widgetsupply.com Hobby and jewelry tools and supplies.
www.specialshapes.com Brass Hex bar stock for simulated bolts/nuts
www.rivetin.com Carl's tools for repairing trains.

Cardstock Sources

www.papercreek.com Embossed paper roofing, Laser-cut paper craftsman kits.
www.printmini.com Jims Printable minis, FREE downloads of caution & hazard Signs, 1/4" scale paper items, wallpaper, bricks, etc.
www.fredmdole.com Cardstock buildings, roof & brick paper
www.clevermodels.com Cardstock buildings
Pioneer Valley Models, no website, ph# 413-533-5350
www.mayang.com/textures Free downloads of various architechural textures, like brick, stone, roofing, etc.
www.turnermodelworks.com 'Milepost' detailed parts and building kits, detailed building backgrounds.
www.westportmodelworks.com Hi-end building kits, walls, and details, detailed building backdrops.
www.ModelTrainSoftware.com Neat E-Z to use computer programs for buildings, brick and stonework, roofing material, window treatments, pre-wired LEDs, advertising signage, window inserts computer decal paper. An OGR Forum Sponser.

Decals, Backdrops

www.minot.com/~champ Champion Decal Co. providing a wide variety of decals and decaling tips.
www.microscale.com Decals for many railroads and other items.
www.cloverhouse.com Decals, some detail parts, sheet stryene, real glass for glazing windows.
www.greatdecals.com A source for several decal suppliers
www.pulsarprofx.com/decalpro/index.html Making Dry Transfer Decals
www.sceniking.com Products include a variety of printed backgrounds for O, S, HO, and N scales.
www.allscalebackdrops.com Variety of backdrops useful in several scales.
www.oddballsdecals.org a variety of decals in many scales.
www.bossenimp.com Source of farm/agricultural decals, vehicles and attachments in several scales.


http://s250.photobucket.com/al.../VaGolfer1950/Signs/ Collection of signage collected by Paul Strickland for our usage.
www.paperstuff.com Source of commercial labels for detailing crates, cans, building sides, etc.
www.retroplanet.com A variety of printable signage for building sides, fences, windows or free-standing.
www.Google.com antique signs, advertising , etc for a myriad of sources.
www.printmini.com Jims Printable minis, FREE downloads of caution & hazard Signs, 1/4" scale paper items, wallpaper, bricks, etc.
www.rfsigns.com Signage used in broadcast industry.
www.signgeneratormaker.com Free signs & stuff to download & print.
http://users.zoominternet.net/~rrbillboards/ Free billboards for your layout courtesy of Terry, a forum member
www.urbanremainschicago.com Look under vintage signs, but other neat stuff also, courtesy of Arthur P. Bloom.
www.usbeerlabels.com source of beer advertising labels. Thanks to dumb dutchman.


www.bridgeboss.com A variety of laser-cut bridges, and train shed kits.
www.blackbearcc.com Wood bridge kits
www.hunterline.com Wooden trestles and tunnel fascia
www.luckyirishmandiscounthobbies.com Concrete bridges
www.100ybc.com A variety of bridges available.
www.modelstructuresinc.com Wood bridges, trestles, built-up trackside structures. etc

Built-up ready to use Items

www.elfinmodels.com Offer a variety of affordable complete, ready to use buildings
www.actionanimations.net wonderful, animated scenes custom-made for your layout. Good value for custom work.
www.scaleuniversity.com Craftsman-type buildings (kits and finished units), detailed items.
www.modelbuildingservices.com Stu Gralnik, custom builder of awesome scenes and buildings
www.yourhomeonyourlayout.com Stock and custom built structures.
www.mmscalestructures.com Very nice scratch-built structures featured on Don Klose layout.
www.timelessstructures.com Awesome finished models by Carl Cornish
www.kramerproducts.com Figures for O gauge, sporting figures; golf, baseball, football, etc. Animation, too.
www.everythingoscale.com Harry Hieke Jr. website for custom structures
www.proscalemodel.com Built up models of automobile lots and gas stations.
www.mizelltrains.com Over 50 fully assembled and painted Hydrocal building fronts and buildings. Contact Laura for details.
www.modelstructuresinc.com Wood bridges, trestles, plastic and wood built-up trackside structures,ramps,docks, etc.
Oil refineries- Alan Graziano, no website. His email is tankboss2@earthlink.net
www.bakersrailroadshop.com high quality figures, Amish wagons, built-up structures, etc
www.layoutrefinements.com Frank Mullens website featuring realistic built-up scenes.

Great modelers websites (For great inspiration)

www.normstrains.blogspot.com Norm Charbonneau ideas and work
www.Parisiconsulting.com/tonylash1slide.htm Bill Parisi visit to Tony Lash's layout
www.cherelvalleyrailroad.com Gary Patterson's great layout
www.home.earthlink.net/~csxal/ CSX Al' website with several "how-to" articles
www.toytrainsontracks.com Rich Batista's wonderful site.
www.pennwestrr.com Bob Bartizek's Pennsylvania and Western layout featuring the Horseshoe Curve and other cool stuff.

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