Stone/Wood farm house project
Jim M
Joined: Sep 22, 2008
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Our layout is going to be a sort of history of our life. We are modeling structures that are meaningful to us and then will hopefully incorporate them into our layout. Leslie is modeling the home we had when we lived in Pennsylvania. This is a very old farm house (built in 1823) that was half stone and half timber frame wood sided. We think that the entire structure was built at the same time because the beams spanned the entire structure. Here's a picture of the real structure.
The stone was made using "Sculpey".
Sculpey was flattened by hand or with this to slightly varying thicknesses.
Then it was textured by pressing with real landscaping rock. (Exaggerate texture some as it will diminish during baking the clay).
Cut in uneven strips before baking with knife. Then bake.
Cut into stones with chopper or knife. Stone edges can also be softened with knife after gluing down.
Stones were fitted, trimmed and glued (Aleene's tacky glue) to Masonite leaving a tiny space between each one. By the way, 1823 was actually etched into the stone at the peak of the home.
Then painted. Model paints were found to be better than craft paints in order to not obliterate the texture.
Mortar was done with modeling paste that was tinted with craft paint and squirted into the spaces with a blunt needle on a 5cc syringe. Excess was blotted off with a makeup sponge. Some touch up will be necessary after the paste dries.
Here's a bunch of "in progress" shots of the project.
Shutters have been added as well as the soffit and fascia board and some of the window treatments as well as the roof support.
In this picture, the area where the stones are missing is where the "Bilco doors" will go which was the access to the basement and to the well pump.
The back porch:
It's starting to take shape with the addition of the roof and chimneys and some details on the front stoop and porch. Couldn't go outside for pictures because it's snowing
My only addition to this project was the adirondack chairs and I did them so that I could say the "WE" built this project. Pretty smart of me don't you think?
Joined: May 14, 2008
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OMG that is unbelievable!
King Mouse
Joined: Sep 28, 2009
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"My only addition to this project was the adirondack chairs and I did them so that I could say the "WE" built this project. Pretty smart of me don't you think?"
Mama always said you were the sly one!
Hugh Laubis
Joined: Nov 6, 2011
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Beautiful Job!
What talent.
Joined: Feb 4, 2012
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Excellent scratch build.
Great job, it looks just like the original house.
Love the Adirondack chairs, hanging planters, and the porch too, nice touch.
Maybe the original house size was built with just the stone and then suffered some kind of damage?
Fire? Storm? Then they decided to expand with a new beam and the wood addition?
Where about in Pa was it? Taking a the East side of Pa?
Anyway, superb modeling......two thumbs up to you guys.