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J&C Studios O Gauge Archive

O Gauge / O Scale Forums and Individual Blogs for Model Railroading

What is the J&C Studios O Gauge Archive?
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Joined: Apr 4, 2011
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posted Apr 4, 2011: 

This will be a store front with an apartment up stairs.
First I cut the main wall sections out of a sheet of 1/4 inch plywood.
These sections are cut out on the band saw.
Then the windows and door openings are cut out with a saber saw.

With the windows and doors cut out, I glued the roof support sections to the inside of the front section.
The side wall was cut out under the stairs so it can be inset the width of the stairs.

The wall sections are drilled at the bottom so they can be fastened to the base with small screws.
Once all the screw holes are located, then I apply glue to all the edges and screw the sections in place.

The outside of the building is going to look like it has board siding on it.
First I cut the wall section out of poster board.
Then I draw parallel lines on it to represent the edges of the boards.
The window openings are then cut out with a razor knife

The sections of poster board are glued to the frame work with spray adhesive.

The main structure of the building is then painted.

The opening for the store front is framed in and the door is glued in place.

Once the framing is dry, then it is finished out with the windows and wood trim.

Here is a side view to give a 3-dimensional view of the trim work.

The roof section is covered with poster board that I've drawn roof shingles on.

Painting the trim pieces and the under side of the roof.

Starting to put the final trim on the building.

I went on line and found some photos of old general store interiors.
I made a copy of some to put inside the front windows.

Here is the finished building.
I made some copies of old advertisements that they use to put up on the outside of buildings and put some of them on also.

Joined: May 14, 2008
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posted Apr 5, 2011: 

Looks great Ray! Thanks for sharing!

Joined: Nov 1, 2008
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posted Mar 14, 2014: 

Looks like the big bad wolf won't blow that down.
Nice build. Dave G.

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