2 MTH Banks become Station
Joined: Oct 24, 2012
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This is a main station I made out of two MTH 30-90223 banks. The center walls are from the interior sides of the two banks.
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Russ I am a huge fan of this approach for its simplicity and great results. Several people have done this and posted about it here, yet each one is different and interesting in its own way. It's almost like MTH made those banks just for us to bash into union stations. 
Great work!
Joined: Oct 24, 2012
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I'm sure they have had requests to do a big station but the costs are huge for such a large plastic injection mold. I think they know exactly what they are doing when they design these things and therefore us 'bashers' can cobble together what we want. It was a fun project and was really pretty simple using a Dremel and a cut off wheel. Russ
Hugh Laubis
Joined: Nov 6, 2011
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Great station.
I can also see that you have carpet padding down so your layout will be quiet running. For the last 20 years of layout building, I have done the same. I have recommended this approach over and over again when the question comes up about deadening sound on forums and no one ever pays attention. On mine I finish off with a layer of grey thin indoor/ outdoor carpet and put tracks and scenery on top of that. You will be happy with the results.
Nice job again on the station. I like it better than the big manufactured grand central version.
Joined: Oct 24, 2012
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Thanks for the comments Hugh. The customer I built the layout for is just a bit eccentric (but he paid well!
) But I don't have any follow up pix. The layout turned out pretty neat. It was designed as a 'show' layout, seven seperate loops, all connected at some point so you could go from level to level. The neat parts were the Ross transfer table, a home built 36 inch turntable and matching roundhouse. I had one section where I used a few Dallee Electronics detection boards and had two loops with a diamond connecting them. First train there got the diamond and the other train rolled to a stop to wait for clearance. Just before the junction there was a lift bridge that was on a timer and every once in awhile it would set off the bridge alarm and shut down the lines, lots of fun. Back to the underlayment, for the roads etc I just used a 4 inch paint roller and flat colored paint. We used NO track fasteners just good old gravity!
Very very quiet, 7 trains running in an 18 x 60 layout room, we had all of the loco sounds turned all the way down. Thanks again, Russ.
Joined: May 14, 2008
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"a bit eccentric (but he paid well!)"
It's amazing how often those two qualities coincide.