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(Guest)   JCS Archive   timw   4 arch Rockville for a customer
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4 arch Rockville for a customer
Joined: Dec 21, 2011
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posted Apr 16, 2012: 

A customer in Pennsylvania asked to purchase this bridge as is, but I decided to first fix some things on it that I never quite cared for, before it left my hands. I eventually decided to give it to him gratis, he agreed to pay the postage, and agreed to photograph it sometime in the future, installed on his layout.
I chronicled the progress, as it was made.

The bridge is about 1/2 scale roughly.
It is 4' long, 7 1/2" wide, and about 5" tall.
As it progressed:
I removed the cutwaters, they were not right. I re-carved the bridge facing on both sides, with the exception of the keystones and voussoirs, and haunches, they were ok. Originally, I never carved the arch barrels, and it is too late once the're painted, trust me. I will simply draw the blocks in on this bridge.
The bridge was then re-primed, as I never quite liked the Sand color that I originally used (too yellow). This color is Linen, one of my personal favorites.
This particular model's elevation would reflect a higher than average water level on the river (about 4 feet higher than normal). I also make this same bridge about 1" taller at the piers and abutments, to reflect the typical water level of the Susquehanna River, but this one is fine with my customer.

Next, I re-made the three cutwaters, these are tougher than they look, a lot of angles.

Next, I attached the new cut-waters, carved them, then primed them.

Then I drew the stones in on the under arches (arch barrels).

Next I cut the deck.

Then painted the deck:

Created the parapet stone:

I still have to permanently attach the deck and add a little more color, and some piping along the sides etc.

Added some piping detail and some cabling to the sides, and some weathering:

Not too bad for a free bridge for a good guy, other than postage from my place to his.

Here are a couple of pictures of it, as John installs it on his layout:

Tim W

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