My 1941 & 1956 Christmas Layouts
Hugh Laubis
Joined: Nov 6, 2011
Topics: 46 Replies: 28
Topics: 46
This is my earliest recollection of a Christmas layout. If you look close, It is a Marx windup. Till I was about 6 yeas old, my dad would set the entire Christmas display up with Mom's help on Christmas Day.
After that the tradition was to prepare it all and do it together during the week before.
Hugh Laubis
Joined: Nov 6, 2011
Topics: 46 Replies: 28
Topics: 46
Here is my 1956 layout, age 17. It took up my entire room.Good thing my older sister moved out of the apartment already so I could do this. This was the last big Christmas display as Cars and Girls were becoming much more importment.
and now the trains once again have become important! thanks for sharing even though this is an old post non the less I can relate to those golden years.
I also had windup trains until I was 8 years old before getting a lionel diesel switcher from santa ahhh memories of a simpler time.