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(Guest)   JCS Archive   Vulcan   The Terrell Store
The Terrell Store
Joined: Sep 8, 2008
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posted Mar 3, 2011: 

This scratch built store was built from a photo of an actual store in Gordonton, NC, taken in 1939.
Some liberties were taken to "update it" to the 1950's.

Left end.

The 50's style gas pump is a modified K-line gas pump.

Scratch built lubester.

Kerosene pump.

Air pump.

The post office, which was not part of the original store.

The mailbox, for after hours drop offs.

The upper part.

Almost forgot, it has a detailed interior, first floor only.

Got to have electricity to run things.

And the photo that inspired it.....

Joined: May 14, 2008
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posted Mar 4, 2011: 

Spectacular store Vulcan!

Between the two left upper windows there is what looks like a recessed rectangle, showing the previous facade. Is that right?

Simply breathtaking detail...

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posted Mar 4, 2011: 

Thanks, John! That area is actually supposed to represent a couple of missing exterior boards. What you see in the rectangle is the back side of the interior wall when plaster was actually used, rather than drywall. The plaster is seeping through the wall boards. Lats, I think they are called.

Also, I edited my above post to show that there is an interior.
Jim M
Joined: Sep 22, 2008
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posted Mar 19, 2011: 

I'm so glad that these pictures are preserved. This is one of the most impressive builds that I have ever seen.
Fred, how did you make the plaster seep through the lath strips. I must say, you did a fantastic job of creating what that actually looks like when they used horse hair plaster for the interior walls.
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posted Mar 19, 2011: 

Jim, I just pushed some vinyl spackling through the boards from the back side.
Jim M
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posted Mar 19, 2011: 

Thanks Fred, I never would have thought of doing that. Good idea!
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posted Mar 19, 2011: 

Thanks, Jim. One of those things I remember working as an electrician's helper doing a lot of re-modeling jobs.
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posted Mar 20, 2011: 

Great work as always. I enjoy looking at this store a LOT! So much to see. It amazes me how you incorporate so much real life into modeling (and my wife says I see too much when I look at 1 to 1. )

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