J&C Studios O Gauge Archive

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for Model Railroading

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J&C Studios O Gauge Archive

O Gauge / O Scale Forums and Individual Blogs for Model Railroading

What is the J&C Studios O Gauge Archive?
(Guest)   JCS Archive   Vulcan   Rural Station Module
Rural Station Module
Joined: Sep 8, 2008
Topics: 23 Replies: 11 Topics: 23
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posted Jul 4, 2010: 

The module is 40" x 18" and uses Atlas O track. The station is loosely based on this photo.

The module contains the station, of course, a small parking lot and a tool shed.

Tool shed, handcar, oil box and mailcrane.

The tool shed has interior detailing.

Whereas, the station has much less interior detailing.

The rear is not yet detailed, as far as separate details. I will wait to see how visible it is once it's inplace on the layout.

And some shots of the station at work.

Joined: May 14, 2008
Topics: 110 Replies: 517 Topics: 110
My Archive Category | My Website
posted Jul 14, 2010: 

Every one of your scenes always has some things it that just makes you think it's totally real. For this one, for me it's the chain fence with the posts around the gravel parking lot. So effective!

Of course, I have a thousand questions about your interior - the paper towel roll, the blue smock (?) hanging on the wall, and how did you make the metal guide (or is that an extender?) on the table saw?

First-rate modeling Vulcan! Thanks for sharing.


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