Same bridge, 2 different paint jobs
Joined: Dec 21, 2011
Topics: 46 Replies: 46
Topics: 46
This is a display bridge that will be taken to local train shows in my home state of Michigan.
I like to paint my displays two different ways.
Since you can't see both sides at the same time, unless you have a mirror, they can do double duty as displays, showing different colors of the stonework.
Same bridge, 2 different looks:
and now the other:
This bridge was made 5 1/2" in height to accomodate those who use the standard Lionel/MTH supports for their upper levels. One can simply substitute this bridge in place of a straight section of trestle bents or other supports. The under arches offer 4 5/8" clearance below, and the bridge is 5" deep, and 24" long.
Please closer photos, please go to my other website, at